White House Chief Of Staff Job Description

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White House Chief Of Staff Job Description – President George H. W. Bush sits at his desk in an Oval Office study as Chief of Staff John Sununu stands nearby.

Chief of Staff Reince Priebus looks on in the Oval Office as President Donald Trump reads his notes.

White House Chief Of Staff Job Description

The White House Chief of Staff is the head of the Executive Office of the President of the United States and a cabinet member of the United States federal government.

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The Chief of Staff is a political appointee of the President of the United States who does not require government confirmation and who serves at the pleasure of the President. Without a statutory role, Harry S. Every president since Truman has appointed a chief of staff.

In Joe Bid’s administration, the chief of staff is Jeff Zits, who succeeded Ron Klein on February 8, 2023. The chief of staff is the top political appointee in the White House. This position is characterized by great power and influence due to daily contact with the President of the United States and control over the Executive Office of the President of the United States.

Originally, the duties now performed by the Chief of Staff were those of the President’s private secretary, and George B. It was performed by important confidants and political advisers such as Cortelyou, Joseph Tumulty, and Louis McHurry Howe.

The private secretary served as the de facto principal assistant to the president, a role that combined personal and professional assignments of a highly delicate and demanding nature, requiring great skill and extreme discretion.

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The job of gatekeeper and monitoring the president’s schedule was assigned to separately appointed secretaries, such as Edwin “Pa” Watson.

From 1933 to 1939, expanding the scope of the federal government’s policies and powers in response to the Great Depression, President Franklin D. Roosevelt relied on the “brain trust” of his famous advisers. Although he worked directly for the president, he was often appointed to vacant positions in federal agencies and departments, and was paid because the White House lacked the statutory or budgetary authority to create staff positions. In 1939, during Roosevelt’s second term, the foundation of the modern White House staff was established using a formal structure. Roosevelt was able to persuade Congress to approve the creation of the Executive Office of the President, which would report directly to the President. During World War II, Roosevelt’s chief military adviser, Fleet Admiral William D. Laget, held the title of “Chief of Staff to the Commander-in-Chief” for Leahy.

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In 1946, the U.S. In response to the rapid growth of the executive branch of government, the position of “Assistant to the President of the United States” was created. He was charged with the administration of the White House, and was the immediate predecessor of the modern chief of staff. In 1953, Republican President Dwight D. Under Eshower was designated the President’s first assistant as the “White House Chief of Staff”.

Assistant to the President became a rank shared by the Chief of Staff, along with other most senior aides to the President such as White House Counsel, White House Press Secretary, and others. However, this new system was not implemented immediately. Presidents Kennedy and Johnson still relied on appointing secretaries, and it was not until the Nixon administration that the chief of staff maintained the president’s schedule. Because of this power pact in the Nixon and Ford White Houses (the latter was chief of staff), 1976 presidential candidate Jimmy Carter campaigned on a promise not to appoint a chief of staff. And indeed, for the first two and a half years of his presidency, he appointed no one to the post.

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Harry S. Truman’s first chief of staff, John R. Steelman was the president’s sole chief of staff; John F. Only Keith O’Donnell held the position during Kennedy’s incomplete 34-month term. Andrew Card and Dees McDonough, George W. Bush and Barack Obama, respectively, served at least one presidential term.

Chris Whipple, author of The Gatekeepers: How the White House Chief of Staff describes the role of the White House Chief of Staff, through an interview with former President Barack Obama:

“In the final days of his presidency, Barack Obama observed, ‘One of the things I’ve learned is that great success is usually the result of a lot of hard work—just a lot of blocking and tackling.’ The grunt work is done by the chief of staff.”[6] – Chris Whipple

This responsibility extended directly to the dismissal of senior staff. In the case of Omarosa Manigault Newman, who accused Chief of Staff John Kelly of firing her in the briefing room, the chief of staff said his decision to leave was incomprehensible and that “the staff and everyone on the staff work for me and not for the president.”

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Richard Nixon’s first chief of staff, H.R. The iron-fisted position Haldeman achieved in Washington — he called himself “the president’s son-of-a-dog” — was a strict gatekeeper who often spoke with administration officials and before reporting to Knicks officials. Journalist Bob Woodward wrote in his books All the President’s M (1974) and The Secret Man (2005) that many of his sources, including Mark Felt, later revealed as “Deep Throat”, shared his fear of Haldeman. Home / World News / Who is Jeff Zientes, the new head of the White House? 5 things to know

In the Biden administration, Jeff Ziants served as the first Covid-19 response coordinator, responsible for implementing a massive nationwide vaccine program in early 2021.

US President Joe Biden on Friday announced Jeff Zientes, his former Covid-19 response coordinator and business magnate, as the new White House chief of staff. Zients, 56, will replace Ron Klein, who has been with the administration for two years. Biden was quoted praising Klein’s tireless work, saying he believed “Jeff Ron’s example of smart, steady leadership will continue as we continue to work hard every day for the people we were sent here to serve”. The key staff does everything from managing access to the president, setting his agenda, communicating with political power brokers, and acting as a constant crisis manager and sounding board for ideas.

US President Joe Biden on Friday named his longtime aide Jeff Zients as White House chief of staff.New (AP)

Jeff Zients To Be Named White House Chief Of Staff

1) In the Biden administration, Zients served as the first Covid-19 response coordinator, responsible for implementing a nationwide mass vaccination program in early 2021. He stepped down from that role in 2022 before the White House prepared for a potential staff turnover after the midterm elections.

2) Zients has served as Chairman of the Advisory Board and CEO of an education and healthcare consulting firm. He was also managing partner of Portfolio Logic, an investment firm. He was chairman of the Children’s National Medical Center and a board member of Facebook.

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3) Zients was credited with overseeing the vaccine rollout, which resulted in over 65% of the eligible population being fully vaccinated by December 2021.

4) Ziants, who has a background in business and public service, will be useful in a leadership role as the Biden administration spends the next two years implementing programs and laws passed during the first two, including the Inflation Reduction Act and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, a Reuters report highlighted.

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5) He is worth between $90 million and $400 million, according to financial disclosures he filed when he entered the White House in 2021, the AP reported.

Newsletters, tips and recommendations Get personalized news and exciting offers Bookmark stories you’ve been meaning to read lately. It’s no wonder Donald Trump’s new White House chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, wanted “acting” in his job title. James A. Baker III, Ronald Reagan’s quintessential gatekeeper, said the same thing to every incoming chief when asked for his advice: “Congratulations, you have the worst job in government.” The condition is so relentless and punishing that Dick Cheney blames Gerald Ford’s role as the 34-year-old lieutenant for causing his first heart attack.

For the Chiefs, it was the best of times. These are the worst, serving a president who makes their lives miserable and missions virtually impossible. How do you do the second most powerful job in government when your boss treats you like his wallet or the cruise director? Don’t ask Reince Priebus or John Kelly, both of whom failed at the position. In a recent interview with the Los Angeles Times, Kelly said he should judge the president by all the terrible things he has stopped him from doing. As a metric for the performance of a White House chief, that is unprecedented. But

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